f.l.t.r.: Anne-Marie Finlay (Counsellor Trade, Investment & Innovation, Ireland), Anne Marie Flynn (Consul General in Frankfurt - DFA), Robert Troy (Minister of State for Trade Promotion, Ireland), Tadhg Kenny (SVP - Strategic Partnerships, Druid Software), Stefan Höltken (Managing Director, siticom GmbH), Anne Lanigan (Regional Director Eurozone, Enterprise Ireland)
Weiterstadt 13th June
siticom was happy to welcome Irish Government Minister Robert Troy and his delegation at our HQ in Weiterstadt. On his trade mission to Frankfurt he wanted to learn about our partnership with the Irish company Druid Software, which we rely on as competent partner for 5G Core Software. We were delighted with the great interest shown by our guests and the opportunity to renew our partner statement with Druid Software in such a warm and genuine way.
The Delegation was organised by Enterprise Ireland who connected several German and Irish companies together with members from the Irish consulate and the Irish government. As siticom was especially recommended for an on site visit by Druid Software, we would like to express our special thanks to our partner.
“As an integrator it is our daily business to solve problems with interconnectinng uncountable solutions, vendors, technologies and softwares for our customers. The reliable 5G Raemis core solution has become our reference in numerous Projects and we value Druid's customer support and training capabilities - not to mention the warm personal relationship that our teams maintain.” said Stefan Höltken, Managing Director at siticom, while explaining our work with Druid to the Minister’s Delegation.
Tadhg Kenny, strategic partnerships manager at Druid Software stated: "Druid value the close relationship with our partner siticom. As a key integrator for Druid they expertly deliver our market leading Raemis 5GC platform providing strong support for end users innovating with the latest use cases for green energy, industrial automation and 5G edge capabilities."
Later Stefan Höltken and Tadhg Kenny from Druid Software signed the partnership statement under the eyes of Minister Troy and the delegation from Enterprise Ireland. We are looking forward to a return visit to discuss new business opportunities in Ireland and Germany soon.
Robert Troy addressed his impressions of his visit ina speech during a joint dinner. The Minister did not only emphasize the importance of international – especially European – cooperation during these times of crisis. He also showed a deep understanding how companies like Druid and siticom significantly improve innovation and progress when they work together the way we do.

Tadhg Kenny and Stefan Höltken on our roof terrace Minister Troy, Tadhg Kenny and Stefan Höltken