“Bring people together and stuff happens – sometimes unexpectedly. This is the essence of siticom innersource and the reason why it works.”
Necati Mercan, consultant at siticom
siticom practices a variation of InnerSource to increase transparency within the company. All employees can participate in different projects, drive innovation and allow chances for cross-stack and cross-team collaboration. This our view on our innersource strategy – Would you like to share yours?
First of all: What is innersource at siticom?
InnerSource describes the method of adapting open source strategies and workflows within an organization. For us it is essentially about collaboration and transparency, where we, as a company and as individuals, become better at what we do. innersource brings with it a whole host of benefits:
Increase decentralization and cross-stack collaboration
Stimulate innovation and improve communication
Gain, share and preserve knowledge
Open development environment
Departments work together more intensively
Possibility of higher code quality and acceleration of deployments
Our goal is to learn and adapt applicable measures at siticom so that they bring these tangible benefits to us and eventually achieve better employee and customer satisfaction.
innersource is driven by our colleagues and each individual contributes. We practice it across all stacks as one of our guiding principles in our agile project management.
How do we achieve an innersource culture?
For successful innersource adaptation, it is necessary to be open and transparent with all processes, decisions, work and communication with each other. It is important to share ideas, successes and failures in order to grow together as a company.
We create room to enable an open discussion culture and invite our active collaborators, stakeholders and others to participate. siticom uses modern tooling and communication infrastructure and adapts these to the communities needs and culture.
Culture generates content. We actively bring together potentials for growing, enabling, discovering and researching interesting topics that might become a temporary or permanent innersource initiative at siticom. We listen when someone comes up with an idea. We develop along the needs and interests of us.
The knowledge we multiply
We have many interested stakeholders in the area of network test automation, infrastructure as code and cloud deployment. Projects range from our 5G Test Laboratory to infrastructure planning and network operations. (read here more about the wide range of siticom projects)
Therefore the initial content is heavily influenced by that, but not limited to that. Participation is contribution. It is important for us to share knowledge and prevent the emergence of knowledge silos.
Our guiding principles apply to the innersource initiative itself as well and we are curious where this journey will lead us.
As a team we experience the benefits of these practices every day – and would love to share our insights with you. What is your opinion?